Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Apple Heads

Apple is doing something that few other companies or brands have ever done before.  In fact, they may be the only company to get people to go crazy for their new products almost every single year.  It is completely different in the way they get people so excited for a new product that is marginally different than the previous version.  Apple enthusiast's literally line up for days to give Apple their money for a phone or watch.  None of their competitors or peers in the tech industry are able to even get close to the amount of hype that they produce around their brand.

So what exactly do they do to get everyone so excited about Apple and their products?  Well to start off, they have big events planned to tell their customers what they've developed for them.  This could be the most important part of their process.  After each event, people can't help but talk about what Apple just revealed to them.  Customers and people in the industry share their thoughts and start their own conversations about what is going to be released in the near future.  This step is very important, because when people are talking about the product the most is when the product is released for sale.

These early adopters are the most important people in Apple's strategy.  If the early adopters are not as enthusiastic as they are about Apple's products, then the laggards will most likely not be interested in purchasing the product.  They show everyone all the tips and tricks to use the phone to its optimal ability.  Also, they test it against drops, bends, and water efficiency which is something that Apple doesn't show themselves.  Apple knows this happens on the internet and I'm sure they enjoy every bit of it.

Overall, their mastery is the exact process that they hype and release their products with.  Nothing happens without their planning and knowledge of.  People getting leaked photos or phones is all part of the plan.  Almost everyone still falls into their trap and gets excited about it or talks about it every time this happens.  Apple is so connected to the pulse of everything going on in the industry.  This is the reason that their loyal customers will do anything and pay any price to get the new products as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I have absolutely found myself to be one of these people! Since this past summer, I've been googling anything I can to find out what the new iPhone 8 will have to offer and when it will be released. Finally, when Apple held their press event to showcase the phone and also introduced their iPhone X, I was on top of figuring out what the iPhone X has to offer and when I can order it. I absolutely agree that no other brand can match the hype and the influence Apple has on people!
