Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Future of Business?

Cryptocurrency is the hottest thing on the market at the moment.  Cryptocurrency is thought to be a new disruptive technology that will eventually be adopted and used by everyone.  This is why it is causing such a stir among individuals and businesses.  Many people have differing opinions on cryptocurrency, some think that it is great and will be a normal part of society in the near future.  Others believe that it is just a fad, and that it isn't a secure or real way to use currency. 

Predicting the future is impossible.  So if you think that cryptocurrency will be used then you can get out ahead of it and be ready for it.  But if your'e wrong, then you could waste a lot of time and resources anticipating something that doesn't happen.  Or you could get left behind if you do nothing and cryptocurrency becomes a legitimate form of currency online.  This is the risk that individuals and more importantly businesses have to deal with at this moment when it is so popular.

Cryptocurrency and more specifically Bitcoin could be used as a marketing tool that attracts younger more tech-savvy consumers.  Companies that don't adapt to the new trends are no longer around.  PayPal is one of the largest online money transfer companies.  This is part of the marketing strategy of Bitcoin.  They think they are going to be the next PayPal, and if you don't use them on your website then you'll be left behind.

Data breaches are the next marketing tool that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are going to use.  In a world where there are more and more data breaches happening everyday, this could be their a comparative advantage that other companies can't promise.  A data breach gives the hacker all of a company or customer's information, including credit cards.  With cryptocurrency, people don't have to enter their credit card information.  This means customers don't have to worry about their information being stolen, and companies don't have to worry about their customer's most sensitive information being breached.

It is a risky decision that companies are being faced with at this very moment.  Whether they should adopt a cryptocurrency before it's mainstream, or potentially fall behind and lose business because you didn't prepare for it.  Overall, it's interesting to see what is going to happen and see how companies adapt their business to the new trends. 

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