Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Disney's Big Gamble

Streaming has been a very competitive field that has taken off in the past decade.  Many companies like Netflix and Hulu have made streaming their main business activity.  While others such as HBO and YouTube are starting to add streaming as another service their company offers.  This is the risk that Disney is taking by starting their own streaming service in 2019.  Offering their own service will have it's advantages and disadvantages.  

Disney's biggest advantage is that they will have a big catalog of movies that many people enjoy.  They can also see what is working and not working with all of the other big streaming services out there to try and make theirs the best.  If Disney can incorporate some of their property's that they own such as ABC and ESPN, then that will give them even more content and potentially live sports.  Right now that would be something that no other single streaming service has at the moment.

All of the various competitors that are already streaming will be the biggest obstacle for Disney to hurdle.  Many people could already be loyal to a a few streaming services and decide that it's not worth it to add Disney to the ones they already have.  Right now, people could be watching all of the Disney content on current services and not have to buy Disney's.  This will of course only be a short term issue as they will add more as time goes on.           

Hopefully Disney has good foresight and tries to address these issues before their streaming service is released.  Competition is supposed to be good for consumers.  This is the biggest reason to be excited for the future of streaming and visual media.  All of the biggest media companies are trying to expand to streaming and beyond.  Overall, there should be better and better content coming in the near future to make everyone happy.   

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