Thursday, November 9, 2017

Black Friday... Today?

In two weeks one of the biggest shopping days in the U.S. will occur, Black Friday.  Many spend weeks and maybe even months preparing to save big on deals at some of their favorite stores.  But this year the game is changing, and many people didn't see it coming.  After Halloween many Black Friday deals started to come out for certain stores.  What does this mean for when Black Friday actually comes?

Stores could have something in store for all the shoppers this year that we've never seen.  Many could be selling all of their products that they would be selling on Black Friday right now.  They are advertising it as "Black Friday sales", but it could really be a better deal for the stores as long as people are buying it.  As long as people are getting excited and the money is coming in, the stores don't care what date they sell their products.  Or some stores could have other tactics up their sleeves.


Many stores spend plenty of money advertising and paying people to work during the holidays.  So they could be trying to save money and not open on Black Friday at all.  They could be putting sales online now to get free publicity so they don't have to spend their money on advertisements.  Other possibilities are out there such as giving shoppers a taste of what's to come on the day after Thanksgiving.  

We can't figure out their plans until the dust settles after Black Friday, but these companies have put plenty of research into this and know what they're doing.  Many people are already going crazy and buying the first good deal they see.  These companies are taking advantage of that.  As marketers we have to learn from times like this and figure out the lesson that needs to be learned.  Right now it looks like it is very smart to start these "Black Friday Deals" as soon as possible.  


  1. I think the overemphasis of black friday reduces the amount of sales they COULD get. Just as you say, I prefer to have online opportunities even with the shipping time as opposed to unknown, unavailable deals on site.

  2. I've noticed every year the black friday deals start earlier and earlier so I'm sure these companies have figured out they're going to have to adapt. I remember when I worked in retail the whole year revolved around the sales made on black friday, so there is definitely a lot of planning going on behind it!

  3. I have also noticed that black Friday deals are starting to happen earlier than even the week that it is originally supposed to be. I definitely think that companies are taking advantage of the way people react to deals. I think online Black Friday deals could potentially be very successful because people want to avoid the black friday craziness that take place physically at the stores.

  4. Black friday deals seem to start popping up earlier and earlier every year. I'm sure it does make sense financially for businesses to do this, but I also think people really look forward to the tradition of being up all night after Thanksgiving. It' s a fun way for friends and family to spend time together while doing their holiday shopping and I can't help but think businesses moving away from sales specifically on the day after Thanksgiving are missing out.

  5. Black Friday just creeps up earlier and earlier every year. I am still surprised about the amount of people who go out on Thanksgiving to snag some of the best Black Friday deals. It's kind of ironic to give thanks on thanksgiving day, but then go out and buy more stuff after scarfing down some stuffing. But I'm sure this early start to Black Friday will be a success due to the many people who would rather avoid the lines on the actual Black Friday.

  6. I think this strategy for Black Friday is working for many companies. There has been a lot of talk about how people are turning to online shopping rather than in-store shopping, and the effect this could have on things like Black Friday. In my opinion, this is just another way to keep up to date with evolving trends and technologies, and working to stay relevant in the retail world. For example, the gym that I go to actually started their Black Friday membership sale about a week ago already, allowing customers time to think about their options and sign up by Black Friday. I think it's a good idea, and am curious to see how it works for various companies.
